Customer Experience at Carter Machinery is defined as how our customer(s) perceive their interaction(s) with Carter Machinery related to all touchpoints throughout their journey. We want to focus on creating an effortless experience and advocating for the customer from pre-purchase, to purchase and sustainability throughout the lifecycle of the purchased asset and beyond while leaving the customer feeling secure and appreciated to work with Carter.


Developing loyal customers is a continuous cycle that influences how customers feel about their experiences with a company, brand, product or service. This is affected by everything the customer sees, hears, touches, smells, and tastes through those interactions. Customer Experience creates interactions that make memories which ultimately creates an experience that impacts a customer’s loyalty.

Loyalty stems from experience that demonstrates three specific aspects:

  • Appreciate – “We show we care.”
  • Secure – “We build confidence.”
  • Effortless – “We make it easy.”

These three aspects are illuminated by:

  • Interactions – any engagement a customer has with a Carter team member
  • Emotions – what is felt after the interaction occurs
  • Memories – lasting impressions that are created by each emotion


Customer loyalty is measured by the Net Loyalty Score (NLS). NLS is a unique Caterpillar measurement used to represent the customer’s overall experience with the dealership as gathered from Voice of Customer (VOC) surveys that focus on their answer of three loyalty questions:

  • How satisfied are you with your experience with Carter Machinery?
  • How likely are you to purchase/rent from/work with/order from Carter Machinery again?
  • How likely are you to recommend Carter Machinery to others?

Customers respond to the above questions with a ranking from 1-10. Based on their answers we calculate the NLS:

  • LOYAL CUSTOMER = score of 9 or 10 on all three loyalty questions
  • VULNERABLE CUSTOMER = score of 6 or more on all three questions and <9 on one question
  • AT-RISK CUSTOMER = score of 5 or less on at least one of the loyalty questions

NLS is calculated for each customer response by: % of loyal customers – % of at-risk customers = % Net Loyalty Score

What does Carter mean to its customers?

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